1) Full-time junior or senior undergraduate student majoring in Mechanical Engineering 2)Represent a traditionally underrepresented population 3) Demonstrate involvement in extra-curricular activities 4) Maintain a minimum overall 2.75 GPA or higher 5) Student must have attended Colorado State University and be enrolled in the Walter Scott, Jr. College of Engineering immediately following high school and consistently since their first-year undergraduate year. 6) Preference shall be given to students who actively participate in student organizations that promote diversity such as the Society of Women Engineers; Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers; National Society of Black Engineers; Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers; and American Indian Science and Engineering Society and demonstrate financial need as established by the Office of Financial Aid (Scholarship may be renewable if the recipient(s) reapplies and continues to meet all required criteria)

Scott College of Engineering
Supplemental Questions
  1. Are you involved in a fraternity or sorority organization? Please list.
  2. Briefly share your interests as they relate to the outdoors and/or fly fishing.
  3. Briefly share your interests as they relate to sports.
  4. What things in life are most important to you?
  5. Why did you select Mechanical Engineering for your major?
  6. What activities do you enjoy?
  7. What drives or motivates you?
  8. Show 2 more