1) Full-time undergraduate student 2) Have earned 30 credits or more 3) Good academic standing 4) Demonstrate service and leadership to the community (i.e. participation in student organizations, community service or church activities) 5) Have a parent, step-parent, grandparent or step-grandparent with a degree from CSU in any of its name forms, past or future

Alumni Association
Supplemental Questions
  1. Are you a child or grandchild of a graduate of Colorado State University in Fort Collins (or any of its past name forms, i.e., Colorado A&M)? If you are not, please understand that you are not eligible for the CSU Alumni Association Legacy Scholarship.
  2. If yes, you are a child or grandchild of a CSU graduate, provide the full name(s) of parent(s)/grandparent(s) and from which Colorado State University academic college they received their degree.
    • 1. Parent's/Step-Parent's Full Name
    • 2. Parent's/Step-Parent's College
    • 3. Grandparent's/Step-Grandparent's Full Name
    • 4. Grandparent's/Step-Grandparent's College
  3. As a child or grandchild of a CSU alumna/us, describe what it means to you to be a Legacy of Colorado State University. How will receiving this scholarship impact you? (500 word limit)
  4. As a child or grandchild of a CSU alumna/us, describe what you will do to make CSU a better place for the generations to follow. How will you leave CSU better than you found it? (300 word limit)
  5. As a child or grandchild of a CSU alumna/us, please provide examples of how you have demonstrated leadership through your community involvement. How have those experiences impacted you? (500 word limit)